Theme: Developing Better Future in Marine and Maritime Industries and Environments Through Innovation and Creativity
Ambon, 15 – 16 October 2020
In order to assist all participants to join the Program with Zoom Client, we have provided a link tree which contains link list of overall program.
To use: start Zoom Client then open the page of link tree then click the corresponding link of section of the program.
The LinkTree of the overall program rundown can be accessed here 
Download Program Schedule Final Update 16 October 2020
Note for the registered participants: please send your scanned proof of payment via mail to cc:
Call for Papers
Papers are invited for submission in any of the fields related to Marine Technology and Offshore Engineering. Industrial case studies are specially welcome.
Due to development of COVID19 pandemic, the important dates of Martec 2020 have been changed as follows,
Important Dates:
Submission of abstract: 22 August 2020
Notice of abstract acceptance: 25 August 2020
Full Length Paper Submission: 12 October 2020
click to download paper template in MS Word format
Send your abstract via email to
cc: -
Notice of Full Paper Acceptance: 30 September 2020
Conference: 15 – 16 October 2020
Please note that after considering Covid19 pandemic situation then the committee has opted that the conference would be held as an online conference event on the date given above.
MARTEC 2020 Organising Partners
Main Organizer:
Faculty of Engineering – Pattimura University 
Organising Partners:
The Royal Institution of Naval Architects 
Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI) 
In collaboration with:
Department of Naval Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Surabaya
Naval Achitecture and Marine Engineering Study Program, University of Indonesia
In cooperation with EMship
Opportunities for Students to Study in Europe :: Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Welcome to martec2020 website
Mohon informasi bagaimana caranya untuk mengirim abstract dan mohon infonya mengenai template untuk abstract dan full paper. Terima kasih
Untuk sementara ini abstract dapat dokirimkan via email ke terima kasih.
Good day
on 24 March 2020, I sent an email to for asking the format paper of Martec 2020 and how to submit the abstract. Until there isn’t an email response from the committee of Martec 2020
Sorry for the late reply, for the time being, please send your abstract to thank you.
Pada tanggal 21 April 2020, saya telah mengirimkan abstrak tapi hingga saat ini tidak ada balasan apakah diterima atau ditolak. Berdasarkan web Martec 2020 bahwa Notice of Abstract Acceptance: 20 June 2020.
Mohon konfirmasinya
There are two dates shown in the website for Full-length paper submission. What is the correct date?
Thank you for the passionate support.
Thank you for your question. We have updated the correct information for the full-length paper submission date.
Sir when we get the email if our abstract is accepted or not?
The committee is working to finalize the accepted abstracts, there would be a notification regarding the abstract sent. thank you.
I submitted my abstract and the date of notice of the acceptance of the abstract was August 25. But, I haven’t received any response. In fact, I am not getting any response even if I am mailing for inquiries. Can anyone please help in this regard?
Your question has been forwarded to the committee. There would be a notification regarding the submitted abstract. thank you.
I have submitted 3 abstracts for review; although I have received notification of only 1 paper. The date of notification of abstract was 25th August and almost 4 days have passed after that. Could you please clarify this issue to me.
Thank you.
Dear Conference Organizers,
I would like to know the last date of registration, the last date of registration fee submission. And when will we be notified about our full paper acceptance?
I am waiting to hear from you soon.
Currently, we are starting to send acceptance letters, the process will be finished before the end of September 2020. Thank you.
Is it mandatory to register all of the Co-Authors to be registered for full length paper submission? Or, is it okay that only 1st Author will register for full length paper submission?
Is it okay to submit full length paper submission via email mentioned above? Or, is it mandatory to submit full length paper submission via Registration Section of this website?
Please clarify as soon as possible as the deadline is approaching fast.
Abdullah Moinuddin.
You may use both channels to send the full length paper, it is to make sure that we have backup in receiving the full paper. thank you.